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5 Remote Working Statistics That Should Blow Your Mind
Published to LinkedIn on January 2, 2023
Remote working was a relatively rare occurrence in the US prior to COVID-19. Almost all businesses opposed it for a variety of reasons, including 'a fallout of productivity' and 'complete chaos.' As we know, times have changed and we have all been forced to adapt. So here's the top 5 remote working statistics that will blow your mind.
1. "16% of companies exclusively hire remote workers."
Despite the fact that 44% of global businesses prohibit remote employment, 16% of them are 100% remote businesses. It's not surprising that hybrid businesses—those with both in-office and remote employees—are growing common; they may offer employers the ideal balance.
2. "76% of workers would be more willing to stay with their current employer if they could work flexible hours."
Despite the fact that remote work clearly has a beneficial impact on employee morale and workplace engagement, 44% of employers still forbid it. In fact, according to these statistics on remote work, a staggering 97% of respondents said they would value having a flexible schedule in the long run. Certainly, businesses should take this into account when submitting their proposals.
3. "Companies that allow remote work have 25% lower employee turnover than those that don’t."
Although at this moment it could only appear like a slight change, it shows the strong relationship between these two variables. Employee happiness and loyalty will rise as more businesses start to offer remote work as a choice.
4. "31% of US employers exclusively hire remote workers."
"Although 30% of companies don’t allow remote work, 31% are actually 100% remote companies. Only a slightly lower percentage, 29% of employers, allow hybrid work, with between one and four days spent in the office. The shares of those requiring only occasional remote work and occasional in-office work are 6% and 2%, respectively."
5. "Statistics about remote work show that 55% of workers would take a pay cut of 5% or more to have flexible working hours."
The potential of having a flexible work schedule is so enticing that 52% of employees would accept a wage reduction of at least 5% in exchange for it. 23% of people say they would accept a pay decrease of 10% or more.
Needless to say, with the rise of remote workers including professionals such as engineers, doctors, lawyers accountants and other business professionals and entrepreneurs who have previously been tied to their desks can now pack up their laptops and...
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